HY234 - Contemporary U.S. History

American foreign policy from the 'Vietnam Syndrome' to the end of the Cold War to the invasion of Iraq; Americans and the Islamic world; transformations of the Republican and Democratic Parties and the Office of the President; negotiating race in the post-Civil Rights era; the 'New World Order' and the new immigration; religion, families, and gender and their roles in partisan politics. Meets the Critical Perspectives: Social Inequality requirement. Meets the Critical Learning: HP requirement. Meets the Critical Learning: SHB requirement. Meets the Equity and Power: EPUS requirement.

Degree requirement — Critical Learning: HP, Critical Learning: SHB, Critical Perspectives: S, Equity and Power: EPUS

1 unit — Adlerstein


Term Block Title Instructor Location Student Limit/Available Updated
Fall 2025 Block 1 Contemporary U.S. History Paul Adlerstein TBA 25 / 25 03/11/2025
Report an issue - Last updated: 03/11/2025